Saturday, March 26, 2011
My Last Year- A Quick List
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
Friday, March 18, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Cold and blustery wind rises from the sea and tunnels down between the buildings of Stockholm and pierce my face with the icy tingle of winter. I wrap up a little tighter and try to soak in the sun on my face as I stand on a city sidewalk while Stockholm Central Station rages with the traffic of a Sunday morning behind me. Anxious, I stand and wait. Today is the day I meet the family I will Au Pair for. Lingering doubts and fears present themselves in full force making my knees just a bit weak as I wonder if I will be what they thought, hoping that I can be good enough for the children's lives. My stomach churns with anticipation and fear. I love my surrounding, I love the sea and travel but I hate feeling scared, and I miss my girlfriends smile that eases me and I think of all of this a thousand times over while waiting. Waiting has always been, for me, torture but this waiting takes it to a new place where all there is is doubts fears and desire to run back to the sunny parks of Atlanta and warmth of familiar. Then, as I am contemplating the agony that i feel inside my stomach, a mini-van with the smiling faces of a family happy to meet, finally, someone they have entrusted so much to pulls up to the sidewalk and pops out ready with hugs and greetings. The anxious monster growing power inside my abdominal is now writhing full force as I load my bags climb into the back and feel everything I felt all morning in ten fold. As we ride through city I am a ten year old looking out of the window at the world around me and I feel small and scared and excited.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
The sun rose on a new chapter in my adventure and, quite literally, my new day. The sun shone bright and the spectacularly beautiful buildings of the city bask in the morning light. I step out into the streets and soak up the sun myself with a smile starting to form itself and I begin to venture out into the Old Town. Stockholm is a very magical place. Within a stones throw from where I am staying there is the Old Town. Small cobble stone streets create my path into a world that I have only seen pictures. I cannot contain my excitement as I walk, holding back a skip that I am sure would draw negative attention! I walk down these streets and feel as though I am in a dream. Everything seems to be centuries old, yet still contains an shimmer as if built yesterday. My head turns from left to right and straight up to the towers of the curches all around at a pace that I will regret this evening. Sweet shops, cafe's, and pubs surround me and I want to look into every window. Suddenly I exit the Old Town street and am placed on the edge of the frozen water that surrounds the city. I stare in awe of the beauty of the broken ice upon the water and the bridges above. Here from my perch I can see just how magnificent the city is. There is history and beauty in every direction I look. Excitement rises as I think of how I will be able to surround myself with this anytime I want! I look forward to getting lost in this city very often. I begin to walk again toward a cathedral and what appears to be a crowd gathered at the Palace.
There was a tree born by the river,
In the shadow of many taller trees.
As this tree fought for sunlight
He grew in spite of the shade.
As the clouds floated by in the sky overhead
The young tree dreamt of being on the move.
The world moved around him years seeming by the hundreds
The young tree grew in spite of the shade.
One day as the sun shone bright
The young tree felt the sun.
As he basked in the light he dreamt of rootlessness
He shook with desire to move like the clouds.
As his leaves shook and his mind raced
Something strange happened; his roots removed themselves from the earth.
The still young tree began to travel with no roots.
Everywhere that he would go he would plant himself and become a new tree.
He grew upon Peruvian soil and let the llamas eat his fruit.
He traveled as a tiny tree in a pot across the sea as a sailor watered him and shared his soul.
The young tree grew in the red earth of Africa as a Baobab
Lions sharpened there claws upon his bark and at nights the birds used him for rest.
Everywhere that he traveled he became something new
Still he remembered the clouds over head and the dreams dreamt in the shade.
Though he traveled and shaped he never forgot how hard he fought to travel
He grew and moved with no roots in spite of the shade.